Your ideas improve local areas!

image of WFN article on a desk
Published: 20 March 2024
Filed under: Communications

In Summer 2023, Let’s Talk: Waltham Forest engaged with thousands of residents to hear what practical improvements you wanted to see. We want to make sure that local neighbourhoods have what our residents need, and by telling us your thoughts, concerns, and ideas, we have been able to understand more about what you’d like to see improved.   

Council officers have been working with local councillors to investigate which practical improvements are feasible and when these changes can be made.  Most ward improvements have been confirmed, whilst some are still undergoing feasibility assessments. 

Confirmed improvements include: 

  • New benches in Jubilee Park 
  • New bins on Buck Walk 
  • Improvements to Harrow Green War Memorial 
  • Additional trees and plants in Chapel End 
  • New children's playground equipment in Highams Park 
  • New trees in South Chingford 
  • Dog fouling stencil on Whipps Cross road 
  • Tree planting on Second Avenue 
  • New pocket park on Manor Road and Lea Bridge Road 

Grace Williams, Leader of the Council said ‘’I was totally blown away by the number of suggestions submitted by residents last summer and I have enjoyed reading through all your comments. We received almost 3000 ideas from you that have gone through detailed feasibility assessments and matched against relevant sources of funding.   

‘’Working with council officers to understand feasibility of projects, your ward councillors and I have collectively decided on what neighbourhood improvements will be made in each of the wards. We feel that the final decisions will be of great benefit to the entire community, and we hope that you and your families will enjoy the changes.  

‘’It is important to us that residents continue to feel heard and know that their opinions and views are taken seriously by us here at the council. Your input has helped shape the future of our neighbourhoods, and we thank you again for your involvement during the process.’’  

Your suggestions have also helped inform service delivery. 10.8% of your suggestions were related to business as usual services that we already provide. So far, 84.9% of these BAU comments have already been addressed and the relevant teams are working towards responding to all of these issues.   

To learn more about how you can get involved in your local area, why not sign up to our Have Your Say newsletter, by visiting Engagement HQ.